Buying cars at second handed value is now a norm, particularly in Nigeria, because it’s affordable, mostly reliable, less stressful to purchase and attracts low insurance cost. However, buying fairly used cars also comes with its own disadvantages.

Some of these are what we’d be discussing in this article, as we believe they are important things you should be aware of. Disadvantages like unknown history, hidden problems, lower resale value, possibility of previous damages, outdated safety features etc.
Knowing these five vital things to check before buying a fairly used car, that would cost you much more for repairs or even endanger your life, is very important.
1. Check Seat Belt:

Check the production date on the bottom of the safety belt, then compare it to the production date on the vehicles name plate. If they do not match then it means the airbag system of the car has been triggered before and it may be an accident car.
2. Check Door Rubbers:
If there are signs of wielding underneath the door rubbers then there’s a possibility that the chassis of the car has been worked on.
3. Check The Steering And Brake Pedal:

Open the driver’s door and check the steering and brake pedal for rust, if there’s rust then it means the car has been soaked in water in the past.
4. Check The Engine:
Turn On the Car to check the engine, if smoke comes out of it or noises then it means the engine of the car is not good.
5. Scan The Vehicle:
Scan the vehicle to check for other concerns, like catalyst, oxygen sensor, Abs, airbag, traction light and other essential sensors of the car.

These signs can help you when purchasing a fairly used vehicle, knowing them and following them can help save you from unforeseen mishap. Most importantly, seek technical advice or guardians from a trusted technician before purchasing that vehicle; it will save you a whole lot.